Monday, June 22, 2015

Brief PSA Director's Cut Edition

So my wife's maternity leave has eneded so I've been crazy busy adjusting to the stay-at-home dad life with two kids instead of one and haven't had time to put thoughts to keyboard in a while. While I had a brief moment I wanted to throw out a brief PSA.

Against my better judgement and partially a result of the collector in me; I picked up both the "Director's Cut" issues of Vader #1 and Star Wars #1. I suspected these were likely just a quick cash grab and probably not all that cool, but I bought them any way because I didn't want to be a mooch and read them in the comic shop to find out if I should buy.

Long story short, I was pretty much right. Unless you are collecting and want all of the things, or haven't picked up issue #1 of either of these yet (What are you waiting for?!?!), I would wholeheartedly recommend skipping them. Basically you get the regular issue with a card stock "half finished" cover followed by a script plus maybe ten pages of some uncolored art. It's neat sure, but hardly worth it unless money is no object to you.

If you really want to buy one go with Darth Vader #1. There is at least some interesting commentary from Kieron Gillen to go along with the script.

Things are gradually settling down with the younglings and as I get back into a good routine I will start to post more regularly again.

Until then MTFBY.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

The Blind, The Betrothed & The Betrayed

This issue is right on target
I was primed for issue 6 to be a suitable end to this arc, but assumed it would fall short of the high bar set by the action packed awesome-fest that was issue #5. Damn does it feels good to be wrong! Issue #6 was a perfect ending to the first Arc. Like any great TV show's season finale we got a few lingering questions answered and in the process get some big new ones to set up the next arc!


Wednesday, May 27, 2015

This is only a Test.

Gushing & Procrastination     

Before I get to my review, I wanted to get some gushing and ranting about a few things off my chest regarding Darth Vader the character and the comic in general. In the interest of time I'm going to put that off and keep it vague for no, but I will be posting a more detailed post about Darth Vader as soon as I get around to it. For now I will just leave it at this: I think the Darth Vader series so far is one of the greatest things to ever happen to Star Wars. Seriously. No, really I'm not being hyperbolic. I'll back that up at a later time, now onto the review.

     Before I get to reviewing the story just let me say that this cover is amazing. All Adi Granov's covers are amazing so far. I have six comics, representing several franchises that I love, framed as decoration in my "office" or as my wife designated it when she designed it; "the nerd room". Currently I have Star Wars #1 & the 3rd printing of Darth Vader #1 (I preferred the green for decorative purposes) as the representatives of my Star Wars Fandom. I keep wanting to take down other comics to replace them with more Vader issues. Ok, for real this time I promise I'm going to write about the issue.

"You are so toast"

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Expedited Introductions & Enhanced Interrogations.

Expedited Introductions

I have a problem. I like to write. I find it cathartic to put my opinions and thoughts in writing. I even used to have a Blog about my local team in a certain professional sport that would be well suited to be played on Hoth. Then we had our first youngling and so ended my blog. Despite having two younglings now, I still manage to have a few quiet moments for thoughts and opinions. A lot of those thoughts and opinions are about Star Wars. In the interest of not talking about Star Wars to the point that my wife puts a death mark on me, I've decided to take another crack at blogging to get some of it out of my system. Since I have extremely limited time and energy to devote to it I'm just going to dive in and write when I can. Thanks for checking it out. Feel free to share any thoughts you might have about anything I write with me on G+ or Twitter.

Enhanced Interrogations

Enhanced is the best word I can think of for the most recent issue of the Marvel Star Wars Comic. I say enhanced because I don't think it's been bad at all in any of the previous four issues, but issue five takes it to the next gear. The first four issues did a great job of walking the fine line of having enough fan service to show fans "This is the Star Wars you know and love" all the while laying the groundwork for a new story. I feel the series really hits it's stride in issue five. Even the cover with it's flashy background and trio of intense looks says: "It's go time!"

*Spoilers Follow*

We now have a pretty good idea what everyone's motivations and goals are right now and we start to see these unfold in this issue. The pace of this issue is great, bouncing back and forth between Luke, Leia/Han, and everyone's favorite Mandalorian Bounty Hunter. 

The issue Starts with Luke. He's searching for answers on Tatooine and struggling with what is likely some cognitive dissonance over why he's returned to the planet he used to be obsessed with leaving. His mind is telling him that it's a waste of time, but he seems to understand that it's where he needs to be, even if he doesn't fully understand why. What happens when he finds Ben's house has a beautiful symmetry to to when Anakin returns to his home world that juxtaposes Luke's choice of good to Anakin's choice of evil. Like much of this issue, the scenario feels familiar, but in a natural way that is not redundant or too gimmicky. Luke's part in this issue ends with him making a big discovery only to have the party crashed by none other than Boba Fett. 

Before I go into Boba's part in this story, I should preface it by saying that my point of view on Boba is nearly entirely based on the Original Trilogy. It's my understanding that he get's fleshed out a little more in the Clone Wars series, but I've never seen it (Yet). So if I'm way off base due to my missing knowledge, I'm sorry. That said I LOVE what they do with Boba here. I am interested to see how it affects his popularity. I feel that Boba Fett's popularity (which I feel I can speak to since it predates the Clone Wars series) stems from the fact that his character is pretty much a blank slate. Sure we know from the films that he's a BAMF with sweet armor who always get's his mark, but his motivations outside of some daddy issues are largely unknown and where he falls in good vs. evil is largely undefined. I feel that this allowed fans to imagine their own ideals and motivations for his character, giving him universal appeal for fans who want to root for him regardless of which faction they favor. I think that the comics have put an end to that ambiguity. To throw back to my D&D days, I think previously you could make a reasonable case for any-non good/non-lawful alignment from true neutral to chaotic evil. I think that this issue clearly establishes once and for all he's evil through and through. His "Enhanced Interrogations" at the Mos Eisley Cantina don't do much to flesh out his motivations, but they sure show he clearly doesn't care about what is morally right and wrong. I also greatly appreciated John Cassaday's art, which from panel to panel seemed to convey the quick and precise way that a skilled killer like Boba Fett would move. As a side note I really wish that the Limited Edition Boba Fett Action Figure Cover Variant from John Tyler Christopher had been for this issue.

Lastly we have Han & Leia. Their story feels a little bit like filler/build up for the most part, but it's ok because Jason Aaron captures the characters interactions and relationship perfectly. Up to this point I felt Han was kind of a little shaky and seemed out of place, but one on one with Leia he feels more natural. I find it refreshing that they have kept his mercenary "me first" mentality and haven't just flipped a switch to the "Reluctant Rebel leader" Han we see in Episode V. Han & Leia's familiar bickering culminates in a great cliffhanger where they as it seems they always do: Go from out of the frying pan and into the fire. I must say I am very intrigued as to who this woman chasing after Han may be.

All in all give this issue 4.5/5. It's my favorite so far out of all the Star Wars issues, and perhaps even out of all the Star Wars comics currently running, including the Darth Vader series, which up to this point has been my favorite series as a whole. Thanks for reading, if I get time next up will be a review of what seems to be the most controversial issue so far: Darth Vader #5.